
SDGs Design International Awards 2021

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION The 3rd SGDs Design International Awards 2021 is here! We are happy to share an international opportunity hosted by Kyushu University, Faculty of Design, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Design Unit and Center for Designed Futures. This is part of Kyushu University's efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Kyushu University shares, "For this year’s awards, we want to join in as part of the world’s effort to achieve carbon neutrality. This year’s theme: Let's Create a Carbon-Neutral Society Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast The rapid climate change affects the whole world, with extreme weather conditions such as drought, heatwaves, heavy rain, floods, and landslides becoming more frequent. We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero, which is being called for in Japan and many other countries. The objective of these awards is to recognize and encourage young, prospective students who can transform society and envision the future. At the same time, we will share their solutions with everyone so that these solutions can be adopted to create a better society in the future. We welcome all students of various disciplines from any part of the world to explore innovative design solutions to solve this complex and urgent problem. Application Deadline: : August 31, 2021 (GMT +9) For more information visit: #internationalUNSRI