
International Competition

Call for Paper: The 13th IMT-GT UNINET BIOSCIENCE International Conference 2022 The 13th IMT-GT UNINET BIOSCIENCE International Conference 2022 is an international conference carried out regularly by IMT-GT Uninet (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle University Network). This year theme is “BCG Economy towards SDGs for the Benefit of Mankind” to foster collaboration between IMT-GT community through knowledge exchange on Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy concept to promote the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IMT-GT is one of the biologically richest hotspots on Earth. Strengthening collaboration between IMT-GT community could highly impact the sustainability of natural resources, human well-being, and society. Academia, government, and the private sectors of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and other partners around the world will be gathered in Songkhla, one of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) of Thailand, to share and discuss the latest research, innovations, and trends in the fields of BCG economy model for sustainable growth. Funding: Self-Funded Host Country: Thailand Host University: Prince of Songkla University Deadline for Abstracts: 18 May (Bangkok Standard Time) Conference Dates: 8th - 9th December 2022 Theme: BCG towards SDGs for the Benefit of Mankind Topics: Track 1: Bioeconomy Track 2: Circular Economy Track 3: Green Economy Track 4: Digital Innovation for BCG Venue: BP Samila Beach Hotel & Resort, Songkhla (Thailand) For further information: up-to-date information, registration and submission is available on #InternationalUNSRI #InternationalCompetition #PrinceofSongklaUniversity