
Signing Ceremony of the MoA Between UNSRI and BKKBN Province South Sumatera

In order to support family development programs, population and family planning as well as to create a quality Indonesian young generation, Sriwijaya University (Unsri) signed a cooperation agreement with representatives of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) of South Sumatra Province (Prov-Sumsel). The cooperation agreement was signed by the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation Unsri, Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Said, M.Sc. and Plt. Head of BKKBN Representative for South Sumatra Province, Dr. Hj. Desliana, S.E., M.M. Virtually through the Zoom Meeting application, Monday (1/11/2021).

The scope of this collaboration includes, capacity building of human resources through socialization, orientation, internship, advocacy, communication, information and education on population education cooperation; Capacity building of students through Thematic Real Work Lectures (KKN) and or other community service activities; Utilization of data and information on Family Development, Population and Family Planning Programs; and other population education cooperation activities.

Unsri Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Said, said that limited natural resources such as food, energy, water, and job opportunities are currently very limited both in terms of quantity and quality. According to him, this population problem needs to be well planned through family planning programs. "Actually, this PKS is a follow-up to the MoU that was signed some time ago and this is a derivative that we will implement later, here is also present from the Dean of the Faculty who will later follow up on this collaborative activity," he said.

Furthermore, he said, through this collaboration, various activities regarding training, education, research, or studies related to population will be carried out. “This collaborative activity is actually to support studies, studies on population and education issues, then the quality we all know is that Indonesia's population currently exceeds 270 million people. Therefore, we need to do this population control together to achieve the quality of human resources with strong competition, grow to be able to compete in the global era," he said.

On that occasion, Plt. Head of BKKBN Representative for South Sumatra Province, Dr. Hj. Desliana said Unsri as one of the largest universities in the Province of South Sumatra has adequate potential both in terms of human resources, educators or lecturers and students and alumni.

"We express our gratitude for the support from the Deputy for Population Control so that the South Sumatra Province BKKBN and Sriwijaya University can reach an agreement through a cooperation agreement to commit to each other and collaborate closely regarding education and population cooperation in South Sumatra," said Dr Desliana.

Also present, Dr. Ir. Dwi Listyawardani, MSc. Dip. Com as the Deputy for Population Control of the BKKBN who also gave remarks and directions online, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Deputy Dean I and Deputy Dean III of FKM, Head of Planning and Public Relations Bureau, Head of UPT KLI, and Head of BPU within Unsri.
