
Announcement of Scholarships for 2021 For Indonesian Scholarship Students

Requirement for Application

Indonesian national, living in Indonesia/ age less than 30/ 16 or more years of school education/ have a SARJANA Degree in natural science from a prestigious Indonesian university with GPA 3.0 or more/ aiming to study and research natural science in a master’s program of university in Japan.

Number of Scholarship Students: maximum Three(3).

Scholarship to be paid by Foundation

All school expenses to be paid to the university in Japan (entrance examination fee/ entrance fee/ tuition fee/ etc.).

Monthly award Yen.160,000.-

Commuter pass expenses in Japan.

Air ticket (Jakarta-Tokyo round trip, economy class), one time only.

Duration of Award payment: maximum 2 years 8 months.

Deadline of applications October 2020

For Guidelines & Applicantion Form please visit

