Universitas Sriwijaya (Unsri) and Universiti Technologi Malaysia (UTM) extended the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU was officially signed by the Rector of Unsri, Prof. Dr. Ir. Anis Saggaff, MSCE. IPU, Asean Eng. and UTM's Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Progenitor. Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail in a ceremony at the 8th Floor of the Faculty of LawTower Unsri Bukit Besar Palembang campus on Friday, 10 June 2022.
1In his remarks, the Rector of Unsri mentioned prolonged good relationship between Unsri and UTM. The UTM had greatly supported the establishment of the Faculty of Computer Science.
After the MoU signing ceremony, an initial discussion was conducted to expose the further potential collaboration between Unsri and UTM. Deans of the Faculties of Teacher Training and Education, Agriculture, Medicine, Economics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social and Political Science of Unsri, consecutively, presented potential programs for future academic collaboration.
Several UTM delegations attended the MoU signing ceremony. They were Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi bin Ismail as Naib Chancellor; Prof. Dr. RasliMd. Ilyas as Lead Chancellor of Research and Innovation; Mr. Jaffrey Samsul Bahrin as Lead Registrar for the Head of the Chancellery Administration; Ms. Rohaizan Khairul Anwar as Lead Corporate Affairs Registrar; Mr. Nurul Amrie Abdullah as Special Employee to Naib Chancellor; Dr. Muhammad Ab. Hadi Bunyamin as Executive Investigator of the Naib Chancellor; Prof. Dr. M. Zaki bin Kamsah as Head of the Promotion Division of the Chancellor of UTM Development; Prof. Associate Dr. Mohd Hisham Bin Rasidi, as UTM Alumni Lecturer. Meanwhile, the delegations from Unsri who attended were all vice rectors, deans, vice deans, director of postgraduate program, head of internal control committee, heads of institution, heads of bureau, heads of technical unit, and coordinators of study program.
For the information, Unsri and UTM had signed the first MoU on 9 August 2017 which was active for 5 years. Various collaboration had been conducted by Unsri and UTM such as international credit transfer, student exchange, collaborative research matching grant program and knowledge exchange program.