

The first Sriwijaya International Economics Summer School by the Student Executive Board Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya is here!  

The 1st Sriwijaya International Economics Summer School was held virtually on Saturday, 3rd July 2021, via Zoom Meeting. This webinar was held successfully with the support by IKAFE UNSRI and Tokocrypto

This webinar was opened by the Vice Rector III, Mr. Iwan Stia Budi with the theme “Cryptocurrency: Understanding how it works in the market”.  

Presented by two speakers, Mr. Wan Mohd Yaseer Mohd Abdoh as a Lecturer from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia and Mr. Agung Putra Raneo, SE., M.Si as a Lecturer from Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya. This webinar was attended by 316 participants, from 7 countries.

The goal for this webinar is to educate youth about the development of digital currency which is now increasingly used in the needs of the digital industry sector and inspire young leaders to  contribute to the community along with the development of financial and economic digitalization in this 4.0 era.
