Number 0003/UN9/SE.BUK.HT/2020
Prevention of
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak in Universitas Sriwijaya
Deans and Director of
Postgraduate Program
Vice Deans and Vice Directors
of Postgraduate Program
Heads of Department
Heads of Technical Unit
Heads of Major
Coordinators of Study Program
Heads of Laboratory
Heads of Bureau
Heads of Section
Heads of Subsection
Lecturers and Educational Staffs
in Universitas Sriwijaya
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Referring to Presidential Decree Number 7 Year 2020 concerning
Task Force for Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak Handling, Letter of Appeal
of Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia Number 3 Year 2020 concerning
Mitigation for Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, Letter of Ministry of
State Secretariat Number B-18/Kemensetneg/Ses/LN.00/03/2020 regarding Business
Trip Policy (PDLN) on prevention for Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak,
and Minute of Universitas Sriwijaya’s Authority on 16 March 2020, Rector of
Universitas Sriwijaya:
A. General Matters
All components of Rectorate, Faculty, Major, Studi Program, Laboratory,
Department, Technical Unit, Bureau, Section, Subsection, Lecturer and
Educational are being suggested
1. actively prevent the
spread of COVID-19 Outbreak in Universitas Sriwijaya, home and local society
2. conduct cleaning-up in the potential area of Covid-19 outbreak spreading
3. keep your health (through taking bath, washing hands, keep your face and mouth healthy), bathroom and toilet
4. prepare the cleaning tools (such as antiseptic, hand sanitizer, air purifier, antibacterial tissue in workspace and home)
5. restrict your selves on unimportant public gatherings and optimize online communication
6. do social distancing
7. should you have fever, cough, abnormal respiration, greenish yellow thick sputum, body limp, which have symptom to COVID-19, visit the nearest doctor or hospital.
B. Academic Matters
All components of Rectorate, Faculty, Major, Studi Program, Laboratory, Department, Technical Unit, Bureau, Section, Subsection, Lecturer and Educational are being suggested to complete the lecture in two weeks since the appeal letter issued through
1. finish the lecture, assignment and practicum so that the students back to their family soon
2. the implementation technically depends on the lecturers which is under supervisory of major, study program, faculty and vice rectors
3. online lecture is highly recommended and it may be conducted since this letter issued
4. online final test is highly recommended and it may be conducted since this letter issued
5. final test may not be conducted if the students have got the optimum scores in the lecture process
6. the lecturers conducting online lecture must show the record of the lecture process
7. the 147th graduation ceremony, which is plan to hold on 22 April 2020, is being postponed
C. Additional Information
1. The travel postponement for the lecturers, educational staffs and students who plan to attend any activities
2. Any activities such as seminar, conference and another activity which gathers many participants is being postponed temporarily
3. Universitas Sriwijaya has formed Task Force for Prevention And Handling COVID-19 Outbreak under advisory of Vice Rector for Student and Alumnae Affairs with the call center +62 852 6802 1149
4. All dormitories in Universitas Sriwijaya must be emptied soon for cleaning up process
D. Closing
Deans, Director of Postgraduate Program,
Heads of Major, Coordinators of Study Program, Heads of Laboratory, Heads of
Department, Heads of Technical Unit, Heads of Bureau, Heads of Section, Heads
of Subsection, lecturers and educational staffs in Universitas Sriwijaya must
implement this Appeal Letter responsibly.
Thank you for your