
Pre-Departure Ceremony of IISMA 2021

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMDIKBUD RISTEK) held the Pre-departure Ceremony for the awardees of Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021. The ceremony was held online through Zoom Meeting on Friday, August 27, 2021. The Pre-departure Ceremony was divided into four sessions. First, the opening speech was delivered by Rachmat Sriwijaya, Deputy Chairman of the IISMA Sub-working Group. Second, the pre-departure briefing was by Andi Rahadiyan Wijaya from the Support Team for the IISMA Sub Working Group. Third, the updating progress reports were by five awardees as the representative of five host universities: Maastricht University, University of Twente, University of California, University Sussex and University of Glasgow. The last, the closing speech was by Junaidi, the Chairman of the IISMA Sub-working Group. IISMA is part of Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka, a flagship program of KEMDIKBUD RISTEK. The main goal of IISMA is to initiate the international cooperation between the home and host university through giving the students opportunity to study for one semester in the top world universities. For the information, two students of Universitas Sriwijaya passed the national selection of IISMA 2021. One student is from Faculty of Engineering who is accepted in National Taiwan Normal University, the Republic of China. The other is from Faculty of Economics who is accepted in University of Sussex, England. #internationalUNSRI #IISMA2021 #IISMAUNSRI