
Get To Know Faculty of Economics of Universitas Sriwijaya

Did you know there are 9 faculties in Universitas Sriwijaya and Faculty of Economics is the oldest faculty in Universitas Sriwijaya? The Faculty of Economics was established on October 31, 1953 under the supervision of Universitas Syakhyakirti which has a private status. Then, before the inauguration of Universitas Sriwijaya on September 17, 1960, the Faculty was handed over by Universitas Syakhyakirti to Universitas Sriwijaya and all students, lecturers, and administrative staffs, which later became the pioneer of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya. At the time of the inauguration of Universitas Sriwijaya, November 3, 1960 (Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 42 of 1960 dated October 29, 1960), this Faculty only had one major, namely the major of Corporate Economics which was later changed to Management. In the academic year 1962/1963 the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya opened 2 new majors: Accounting and General Major which were later changed to Economics Science and Development Studies. Actually, at the first, the lecture activities were initially held at the Bukit Besar campus. However, after the construction of a new campus in Indralaya, students in the 1993/1994 academic year began studying at the Indralaya Campus. And since February 1, 1995, all academic activities for students accepted through National University Entrance Tests (SNMPTN/SBMPTN) were all held at the Indralaya Campus. The Palembang campus only organizes academic activities for students accepted through the local admissions (USM). #internationalUNSRI #FEUNSRI